Cottage Cove Videos

Numerous videos have been made featuring Cottage Cove over the years, some by Cottage Cove staff, others by volunteers, news media, and organizations interested in this ministry.
While we tend to focus on our most recent videos, many recommend using the most recent videos when promoting of the earlier videos bring back a host of memories for the current ministry of Cottage Cove. While always staff, volunteers, and families we serve. For this reason, helping children, the physical aspects and facilities of this we’ve include links to many earlier videos. We highly ministry have changed greatly over the year.
Our Most Recent Videos

Former Students, Now Volunteers (2022)

Ivory, Grade 2, Open Hands | Open Hearts Speech (2021)

A Tour of Cottage Cove Madison - Updated (2019)

Former students Kenya and Iesha, from 2003-2008, on Cottage Cove (2017)

“Do You Believe in Me?” Grade 3 student Annaleesia’s public speech (2017)

A Tour of Cottage Cove Madison - The first six months of year 1 (May - Oct 2014)

Long term student, Jade, remembering her time at Cottage Cove (2014/15)

Cottage Cove Staff and Volunteers - Why Cottage Cove? (2015)

How has Cottage Cove helped

Tour of Cottage Cove Vine Hill (2013)

How has Cottage Cove helped? (2013)

Melanie - Gr2 - public speaking (2014)

Cottage Cove Christmas - The Bible’s Christmas Story by the Children (2008)

Featuring Children of Cottage Cove (2011)

Promo Video by Eric Mikols (2009)

Video by LifeWay’s Intra Life (2008)

Slide Show with Music (2008)

Featuring Children of Cottage Cove (2007)

Music Video Featuring Our Kids (2008)

Promo Video (2004)

Promo Video (2005)

Promo Video (2002)

Video featuring Cottage Cove (1995)